Grade 8 Curriculum

Mississauga Christian Academy - Preparing for the Next Level

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Grade 8 Overview

Grade eight is the final year of preparing our students for secondary studies.

Grade eight students cover many subjects and skills which include Bible, Social Studies; French; Physical Education & Health; Arts (Visual Art & Music);

  • Language Arts: Novel Study, Genres of Writing, Grammar, Media Studies, Oral Communication;
  • Mathematics: Algebra, Integers, Expression & Inequalities, Ratio, Proportion, Percent, Measurement, Plane Geometry, Rational Numbers, Probability, Statistics, Coordinate Systems;
  • Science: Introduction to Biology, Life, Viruses, Bacteria, Protists & Fungi; Plants & Animals, The Human Body, Genetics, and Ecology

Our learning focus includes an emphasis on skill building such as collaboration, leadership, character and spiritual formation, independent work, organization, goal setting and developing strong social and emotional regulation skills.

Students learn to make deep connections in their family, faith, school and their local community through spiritual formation and co-curricular sports and various engaging clubs.

Students learn to make deep connections in their family, faith, school and their local community through spiritual formation and co-curricular sports and various engaging clubs.

Grade 8 Curriculum

Preparing for the Next Level

  • Academics


    Language Arts

    • Novel Studies, Grammar, Writing
    • Media Studies, Oral Communication


    • Algebra, Integers, Statistics
    • Rational Numbers, Ratio, Proportion, Percent, Probability
    • Equations/Inequalities, Geometry, Polynomials


    • Introduction to Biology
    • Life, Viruses, Bacteria, Protists & Fungi; Plants & Animals
    • The Human Body, Genetics & Ecology

    Social Studies  (Geography & History)

    Language Acquisition (French)

    Physical Education & Health

    Arts (Visual Art and Music)

  • Skill Building



    •  Articulate concepts and ideas

    Research methods & Analysis

    • Critical Thinking & Problem-solving Goal Setting; Time Management; collaboration

    Biblical Principles of Finance

    • –Grocery Shopping Skills & Meal Planning

    Entrepreneurship, Business Planning

    • –Career Exploration
  • Spiritual Growth

    Character Formation

    Comparative Religious

    Weekly Chapel

  • Clubs & Co-Curricular Activities

    Sports Teams: Basketball, Cross Country, Soccer, Track and Field

    Leadership Opportunities

    Community Service Initiatives, Fall & Spring Play/Musical,Morning Announcements, Yearbook, Eco-Green Team, Student Ambassadors, Choir Concert Band, Chess, Sewing, Cooking, Financial Literacy, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering Math), Public Speaking, Ottawa Overnight Trip, Field Trips and Exploratory Excursions

My Math Path [Grade 8]

My Math Path 1–8 is fully aligned to the new 2020 Ontario math curriculum and is powered by the Singapore Math framework. This framework focuses on mastery of a limited number of concepts at a time using a purposeful sequence of topics. The resource places problem solving at the heart of mathematical learning and emphasizes the need for students to develop positive attitudes towards math, have the confidence to persevere, and develop the ability to monitor their own thinking.

LeaderinMe [Grade 8]

This leadership model assists them in integrating a culture of character and leadership into our school experience with students, staff, faculty and parents based on the principles of the late Dr. Stephen R. Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” The Leader in Me brings the “7 Habits” into the elementary and Junior High school setting where students can begin to develop these very important skills at a very early age. For more info, visit here.

MakerSpace – STEM Program [Grade 8]

Students learn science and engineering concepts through experimentation, grow their understanding and evolve projects through the design & engineering process. For more info, visit here.

MyBluePrint [Grade 8]

myBlueprint follows a comprehensive education and career planning process that meets the learning needs, interests, and aspirations of all students. Students actively learn about their interests, skills, passions, and feelings, and document what they discover about themselves in pictures, videos, and journals. For more info, visit here.

Grade 7 Curriculum Daily Schedule

All classes will be held at Mississauga Christian Academy. The academic portion of the program includes 3 hours of in class instruction each morning.

During class time students will receive personal attention to help develop their English skills in reading, conversation and written language. Afternoons and evenings will be filled with a variety of fun Events/Activities.

Sample Daily Schedule

Time Activity
9:00 – 9:45 AM Bible
9:45 – 10:30 AM English
10:30 - 11:15 AM Math
11:15 AM – 12:00 PM Science
12:00 - 12:30 PM Lunch
12:30 - 1:00 PM Recess
1:00 – 1:45 PM Study
1:45 - 2:30 PM Music
2:30 - 3:15 PM HPE
3:15 – 3:30 PM Homeroom
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