

Leaving a Legacy of Transformed Lives

About MCA

Mississauga Christian Academy was founded in 1977 and has been dedicated to providing excellent, caring, student-centred and Christian education. MCA serves a diverse student population and is focused on preparing young people for high school success. Offering a quality education from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8 and given an exemplary 16:1 student to teacher ratio, MCA students are prepared to make a difference in their families, churches, and communities.

MCA supports our dedicated community of teachers, staff, students, alumni, parents and community partners. Professional development for our staff is essential. Our teachers continue to specialize in the most updated teaching and learning strategies. In order to enrich the learning experience of our students, we engage the wonderful talents and resources of our parents, alumni and the community through our PVA and alumni outreach events.

Our Mission

To prepare and inspire students to be courageous leaders.

Our Vision

To develop creative and compassionate global citizens who take action true to biblical values.

Our Values

The following core values are integrated through intentional collaboration, planning and decision-making, and guided behaviour from the classroom to the boardroom. Each is underscored by excellence in our expectations and standards.

MCA Culture and Core Values


To be devoted to caring and healthy relationships that apply biblical principles.


To provide an atmosphere that promotes personal order, discipline and academic excellence.


To give priority to the development of godly character and integrity by pursuing personal excellence.


To be godly stewards who are aware of their accountability to God for responsibly enriching others and management of their lives and resources.

A word from our Principal

Kevin Yee

It is a pleasure to welcome you to Mississauga Christian Academy.  As you explore our site and learn more about our mission and vision, you will find important information about the educational and broader opportunities we provide for our students. We are a vibrant community focused on teaching Christian values while creating a stimulating learning environment for our students.

MCA has a reputation for encouraging students to discover and develop life skills and become lifelong learners. Our character education focus is at the heart of our approach and preparing our graduates to have a strong sense of identity and social responsibility. We encourage our students to use their God-given gifts to lead and serve with purpose.

Our staff and faculty are dedicated to supporting, respecting and nurturing students. As a result, our students are encouraged to strive for success in a balanced way. Parent engagement allows our team to be responsive to each student’s evolving needs and enrich each student’s educational experience. Our parent community and students affirm that our faculty team members are approachable and receptive to their feedback.

There are many ways to appreciate the vitality of our community and the quality of our students’ experiences. You are welcome to visit our campus, book an online educational consultation with our Enrolment Director, or simply reach out to me with any questions you may have.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Meet Our Team

Administrative Staff

Meet our highly qualified and dedicated staff with a passion for Christian education.

Mr. Kevin Yee

Acting Principal

Operations Manager

MBBC Pastor

Ms. Sharee Wong-Grenyion

Accounting Manager

Accounting and Program Coordinator

Office Administration

Elementary Teachers

Dedicated elementary teachers who are passionate to inspire and nurture the minds and hearts of our young learners.

JK Teacher

JK – 8 French

Mr. Christopher Hibbert

P.E. & Gym JK - Gr. 8

Middle School Teachers

Meet the Exceptional Middle School Teachers Shaping Futures at Our Christian School.

Mrs. Vindhiya Philipose

Grade 6 Homeroom, Grade 6-8 Humanities & Grade 3-5 Music

Grade 7 Homeroom, Grade 6-8 Music & Grade 6-8 English

Mrs. Anvita Dhanrajani

Grade 8 Homeroom, Grade 3-8 STEM & Grade 6-8 Science

Ms. Jennifer Tapley

Grade 6-8 Math, Grade K - 2 Music & Grade K - 5 Library

Support Teachers

Discover the Caring Support Teachers Who Ensure Every Student Thrives in Our Christian School Environment.

Ms. Jamie-Lee Bannon

Resource Teacher

Mrs. Cheryl McLean

Part-time Resource Teacher

Mrs. Abigail Ketutdjati

Grade 3 Educational Assistant (E.A.)

Board of Directors

Mississauga Christian Academy is a non-profit organization operating under the direction and supervision of a volunteer board of directors and in covenant with the Meadowvale Bible Baptist Church. The volunteer board members are responsible for overseeing the leadership encompassing the following areas: Academics and Admissions, Advancement, Communications and Promotions, Finance, Property, Strategic Planning, and Technology.

The board is comprised of both parents of MCA students and non-parents. Board members provide expertise in various areas and members typically commit themselves to a two-year term.

Chair: Maurice Swaby

Vice-Chair: Neil Garraway

Treasurer: Ted Talbot

Secretary: Vacant

Board Members:
Kelvin Kennedy

Dayo Lawuyi

Jennifer Costandi

Gerald Spencer

Charlene Ragin

MCA’s 4 COMMITMENTS to Parents and Students

Commitment 1: Raising the Bar

For students whose parents feel that their child is not challenged in their current school.

We create an environment where your child is challenged to grow.

Our program is rigorous enough to engage your child but not so rigorous that it creates stress. We create an environment with many co-curricular opportunities for social and emotional growth.

Commitment 2: Life Skill Training

For parents who seek character development, spiritual and life skill preparation.

We have character, spiritual and life skill initiatives to help your child become a better person with social and emotional skills for success.

Commitment 3: Future Success

For parents who seek for their child to have access to the best secondary school in the Province of Ontario.

We prepare students so that they can successfully enrol in private and specialized secondary programs of their choosing.

Commitment 4: Social Emotional Learning & Academics

For students who struggle with academic, learning difficulties or social challenges in their current school.

We will help to create an academic plan that will help to address the issues your child is struggling with so they can continue learning and thriving.


Learn More

Quick Facts that Sets Us Apart


SK - 8 Students

We are proud to have 168 students!



Bringing students on the right path for 43 years.


16:1 Class Ratio

To ensure children get individual attention.


Countries represented

Our students come from all over the world.


Graduates accepted to AP/IB Programs

We make sure our students are getting the best education and maximizing their potential.


Sports and Activities

We care for our students mental and physical health.

The Latest MCA Booklet To Learn More

Download the MCA Booklet

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